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Children and Youth

We are passionate about sharing and learning about God's love with the young people at Findlay. Jesus said 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' (Matthew 19:14) This is at the heart of our Children and Youth ministries.


Bumps and Bundles

Bumps and Bundles runs every Tuesday morning (term-time) from 10am -11:30am in the church halls. We are a friendly and relaxed group open to any parent or care-giver of young children aged 0-5 years old. Our aim is to provide a warm, welcoming and safe space for all parents and care givers to enjoy play with their children and share our Christian faith. We have a wide range of toys, weekly craft activities and we love a sing song before we tuck in to refreshments. For further details contact Kate.

Sunday Creche

Creche is open to parents and care-givers of pre-school aged children. Children are all welcome to join us for the Sunday service and they are then invited to join the team in Creche if they wish to. Speak to Liz for more information.

Kids Playing with Lego
Children Playing


Discoverers is our P1- P6  children's group who meet during the service in the upper halls. Contact William W for more information.


Findlay Youth

Findlay Youth is aimed at young people aged P7 - S6.

Findlay Youth meets on Friday nights at 7pm, in the church for fun and fellowship. On Sundays they are invited to join and participate in Sunday service, followed by Bible class in the Community Hub. Contact Charlene for further information.

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Copyright 2022: Findlay Church

Findlay Church

56 Clarendon Pl, Glasgow, G20 7PZ, UK

Findlay Church is a Registered Scottish Charity: SC006578

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