Prayer is fundamental to the well-being of the Church and personal growth in Jesus. As a Church family we affirm our need to engage with a God who loves and cares for us, and to present our cares and needs to God asking that His will be done in our church and personal lives. There are a number of opportunities to pray during the week.

Monday Evening Prayer
Join us at 7pm via Zoom for evening prayer, where we will be praying over a wide range of topics in our church, community and throughout the world.
All are welcome.
Use the contact form to find out more.

Tuesday Prayer Room
We have fortnightly prayer meetings on a Tuesday morning in the Prayer Room from 11am - 12pm. All are welcome. We believe that prayer is an intrinsic step in making real change in our lives, the communities we live in and throughout the world. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be. So if you fancy joining us for a short time in prayer, please do join us you will receive a very warm welcome. Contact Jean N for more information.

Friday Morning Reflective Prayer
Join us via Zoom Friday mornings at 8:30am where Shirley B will lead us for a short time in reflective prayer. All are welcome. Use the contact form to find out more.
Prayer Requests
The Prayer Team would love to hear from you, so if you have any prayer requests get in touch through the Prayer Requests Contact Form.